Snow Guards
Rutschende Schneelasten sorgen immer wieder für Gefahr. Im schlimmsten Fall führen Dachlawinen zu Personenschäden, jedoch sind auch die Vielzahl der Schäden an Bauwerken nach jedem Winter auffallend hoch. Schneefangsysteme von WUS haben daher eine klare Aufgabe vom Handwerk: Werte schaffen – Werte schützen.
Zur Berechnung Ihrer individuellen Schneelast steht Ihnen unser »Tool zur Schneelastberechnung« zur Verfügung.
Montagevideo Schneefangstütze

The new HD snow fangs
Thanks to the solid design, the snow guard is equipped with the "HD snow guard" no longer a problem for you and those around you.
|Load capacity up to 4kN/m|Maximum load thanks to solid design|Stainless steel (V2A) front spring| Hot-dip galvanizing + powder coating (duplex process)|Use for all types of bricks|Long-term protection against corrosion
Available in finishes
- straight
- cranked
- to mount
Available in the following colors
- brick red
- anthracite
- dark brown

HD snow guard with reinforcement profile
The "HD snow guard with reinforcement profile" offers you an adjustable gain profile and more protection against wear compared to its predecessor.
|Load capacity up to 10kN/m|Maximum load thanks to solid design|Stainless steel (V2A) front spring| Adjustable reinforcement profile|Brick protection rubber on the reinforcement profile|Hot dip galvanizing + powder coating (duplex process)|Use for everyone Brick types|Long-term protection against corrosion|
Available in finishes
- straight
- cranked
- to hang
Available in the following colours
- brick red
- anthracite
- dark brown

Snow guard riveted on MDP
For stable snow guards on interlocking and plain tiles, flat roof tiles and Frankfurt pans, we offer " Snow guard support riveted on MDP" on.
|Frankfurt pan|Beaver tail tiles|Flat roof tiles|interlocking tiles| p>
Usable for
- 20 and 25 grid heights
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper
WUS Schneefanggitter zu ihrem Schutz
Das WUS Schneefanggitter dient als zuverlässiger Schutz vor Dachlawinen, für Sie und ihr Umfeld. In Verbindung mit den WUS Schneefangstützen(Link zu Produkt) ist unser Schneefanggitter passend für beliebige Dachlängen und Dachneigungen.
- 13 x 2 mm
- 20 x 3 mm
Winkelabmessungen (Kupfer massiv)
Die WUS Schneefanggitter gibt es beschichtet in den Maßen 13x2 mm und 20x3 mm
- feuerverzinkt
- verzinkt pulverbeschichtet
Schneefanggitter gibt es auch aus massivem Kupfer in den Maßen 15x2 mm und 20x3 mm
Hier finden sie die passende Schneefangstütze für ihr Schneefangsystem

Snow guard support with reinforcement arch, Hamburg model
For stable snow guards on interlocking and pantiles, our range includes the "Hamburger model snow guard support with reinforcement arch".
Hook size
- 42mm
Use for
|Interlocking and pantiles|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper

Snow guard support with straight reinforcement arch
For stable snow guard grilles on plain tiles, our range includes the "snow guard support with straight reinforcement arch".
Use for
|Beaver tail bricks|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper

Snow guard support with reinforcement arch for hanging
For stable snow guard grilles on plain tiles, our range includes the "snow guard support with reinforcing bow for hanging".
Hook size
- 42mm
Use for
|Beaver tail bricks|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper

Snow guard with reinforcement arch 45mm cranked
For stable snow guards on interlocking and pantiles, our range includes the "snow guard support with 45mm reinforcement arch, cranked".
Use for
|Interlocking and pantiles|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper

Mountain snow guard support for 2 tubes 1"
For stable snow guard grids on interlocking and plain tiles, flat roof and Frankfurt pans, we offer "mountain snow guard supports for 2 tubes on MDP" on.
Use for
|Interlocking and pantiles (bent shape)|Plain and tin roof (straight shape)|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper

Mountain snow guard support for 2 tubes 1" on MDP
For stable snow guards on interlocking and plain tiles, flat roof tiles and Frankfurt pans, we offer 'Mountain snow guard supports for 2 tubes on MDP' on.
Use for
|Frankfurt pan|Beaver tail tiles|Flat roof tiles|interlocking tiles| p>
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)

Mountain snow guard support for logs
For stable snow guard grids on interlocking and plain tiles, flat roof and Frankfurt pans, we offer "mountain snow guard supports for logs" on.
Use for
|Interlocking and pantiles (bent shape)|Plain and tin roof (straight shape)|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)
- Solid copper

Round wood hook riveted on MDP
For stable snow guards on interlocking and plain tiles, flat roof and Frankfurt pans, we offer "round wood hooks riveted on MDP" on.
Use for
|Frankfurt pan|Beaver tail tiles|Flat roof tiles|
Available in
- hot-dip galvanized
- galvanised, powder-coated (duplex process)